BBC Radio Bristol

My interview on Radio Bristol with Kate Justice, chatting about the David Croft retrospective on BBC2 tonight (December 27) which includes episodes of Dad’s Army and Hi-de-Hi. Includes a terrible impression of Ray Winstone...

Kenneth Williams: hero or villain?

kenneth williams 1949

Kenneth Williams, 1949


The challenge at the Hampstead and Highgate literary festival was to define how I saw Kenneth Williams – was he a hero or a villain? In the chair was Melissa Katsoulis; around the table were Daisy Waugh (talking about Rudolph Valentino), Anna Sebba (Wallis Simpson) and Justine Picardie (Coco Chanel).

As I don’t have the permission of the other writers to broadcast their talks, this excerpt features only me, cramming as many anecdotes as possible into my quarter of an hour.

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